MF 30

Sinking EDM machine

exowin MF 30
Year of manufacture
Product info

Machine number: 2211
Travels: X – 900 mm / Y – 750 mm / Z – 450 mm
C-axis 1-100 rpm / 0,001 mm
Switch-on hours ca. 7.230


Electrode changer 20-fold
Generator 60 A
Automatic clamping head System 3R (3R-600.86-1)
Remote control with logic functions and potentiometer control
Highly dynamic AC drive technology
Central lubrication
Auxiliary work tank infinitely programmable in mm
Suction and pressure flush connections on the table and through the C-axis
Channels ready for venting for connection to an existing
external unit, connection dimension Ø 80 mm
Integrated filter system with filter cartridges surface area 7.6 m2
Heat exchanger with temperature control valve cooling
capacity 4 kW
Large clamping tool assortment including clamping vices

All others accessories shown in the photos and video are not included in the scope of delivery, so they are not part of this sale. The scope of delivery only includes the accessories that are expressly listed here, in the offer, confirmation of order and invoice.

Equipment and technical data – Illustration, content and data without liablity, therefore not binding – see “DOCUMENTATION”

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