Universal hobbing machine

CNC control BWO
900 with 8 axes
Year of manufacture
Product info

Machine number: 160261

*ONLY ca. 1.088 operating hours*


Virbration resistant machine bed made of resin bonded epoxy material
Main spindle with integrated direct device
High speed shifting hob head
Gantry loader including rotating double grippers
Signal lamp
Central lubrication system
Coolant supply system 250 l contents, 90 l/min. volume flow
Oil drip pan
Nivelastic elements
Hydraulic power pack maker REXROTH
Hydraulic and pneumatic supply for workholding fixtures
Complete housing of the work area with electromagnetic locking
Cold light machine lamp (dust-, and splash-proofed)
Coolant supply for cooling the tool and for cleaning the work area
Hour counter
User guide / Documentation
Machine parameters on storage medium

More equipment and technical details see “DOCUMENTATION”.

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